MUSIQA and Mike Osborne at FOTOFEST BIENNIAL 2022 October 27th
September 23, 2022 - Holly Johnson Gallery
Holly Johnson Gallery is pleased to announce Mike Osborne’s participation at FOTOFEST 2022 and a one-of-a-kind program inspired by his work, Musiqa: If I Had A Hammer Tour. The event will take place October 27th at 6pm at FOTOFEST BIENNIAL, Silver Street Studios, 2000 Edwards St., Houston, TX 77007.
Musiqa presents four new works commissioned for a musical tour of the FotoFest Biennial 2022 exhibition, If I Had a Hammer. Written by finalists in Musiqa’s annual Emerging Composer Fellowship competition, each performance piece will draw its inspiration from the artwork of FotoFest Biennial artist Mike Osborne, resulting in a one-of-a-kind program for clarinet and percussion lasting approximately forty minutes.
For two decades, Musiqa has been known for its commitment to new voices and collaboration with artists of all sorts. In keeping with our mission to make new music available to audiences everywhere, this event is free to the public.
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